First thing first, let me introduce myself *wth* again, hahaha! Well, I used to dislike this nickname but now I'm kinda like it. I feel like I'm being famous these days (eaaaa) with this nickname, ofc.
So if you'd like to know where it begins..? My friend M***a made it for me. (sorry, I won't spread the name that easily :p) At first, I think 'cih, apa2an nih? nama bagus2 diganti jahe?' but then, I was "jokingly" using it for nickname at my (other) blog. And I have no idea that everyone would start calling me that. So that's where it comes from. He..he..
BUT! It's not only in my blog! But everyone (hmmm not really everyone) in my school is also starting to call me by that! 'Jahe.. jahe..' OMG. And guess what! Any other nicknames starting to appear too; pala, lada, garam, gula, kunyit, tebu, blabla.. <- this is one of my influence, woohoooo~!!!
NB: I hope with that nickname, we can be more friendly and closer friends. Saranghae~ :* (PS: never call me Ginger!)