Well well well, as we know today is Sunday. And I was tweeting this morning, with my lovely dongsaeng Mutia. But I thought today is Saturday! At first, I was asking about her test:
(ga sama persis banget sih tapi kira2 kek gini deh)
Me: Mei, ni test kapan selesenya a?
Muti: Rabu a, jie..
Me: Oh.. Ni hari ini sekolah?
Muti: Ini kan hari minggu O.O
And then, I laughed at myself. (orang gila)
Another event this morning~
My mom asked me to go to supermarket and buy some things, with Theli onnie and my servant. And she asked me to use her credit card! Beh. Katro deh gw zzz.. And the annoying thing is, we all have to carry that countless carries *lebay* Like fainting~ Of course the weather is so hot today, even though it's still 10 o'clock! Zzzz~
나는 나는 바본가봐요 그대 그대밖에 모르는 바보~ ♫ *nyanyi2 Gee XD*