Thursday, December 30, 2010

Still Love My Kimbap (?)

Okay, I was freakin' confused what title should this post be. But finally I chose this. LOL~

So yesterday, we went to Emporium Pluit. And I always go there for 1 reason: meeting my Kimbap (fyi, I changed his name already). I felt like I had to sabotage him, so I slid the card 3 times. Which means I can play for it non-stop for 3 times. Then when it's just our turn to play, a kid slid his card once. Well, I don't really care since it's still my first. Then, when it's my second time, that kid's like staring at me with this "isn't this my turn now? why is she still here?" kind of look and I still don't care. I told him, "my turn is still 2 times more, okay.." and he nodded his head. But when my third time comes, he's like telling his mother that his turn isn't coming. Like I've told ya, I slid the card 3 times - which means my turn is 3 times non-stop! Why isn't he understand? Oh well, I've known my Kimbap for years, so I know what kind of machine are ya. Hahaha *sarcasm laugh*

Unbelievable situation - his mother complained to the officer there, that I took her child's turn. And when I was still enjoying the game, that officer said "Eh gantian sama adeknya dong ntar.. (lazy translating it)" What-the-hell? Can't they just be patient or what?! Maybe she thought I took her credits? Cih. I'm not that kind of person who likes to steal somebody's credit? You think I have no money for my Kimbap? Cuih! And what I did is smile, and tell him, "Hey man, this is my last turn. Be patient!" And I continued my game, until my turn is really over.

After the situation - My sister told me that when I was still playing, that woman is still complaining to the officer blablabla, and what the officer said is, "There is a bonus blablabla" What the f*ck is that?! I just realized he didn't understand my Kimbap machine was like. Oh, no.. I even know him better, cup cup cup my Kimbap.. I was so pissed off back then, why didn't my sister explain to that freak old woman about the truth. Hah, because she won't care. That's why I never care about ya, hey you spoiled-kid!

NB: If you don't really understand this story, just ignore this. I just feel like "letting it out" than saving this inside my heart.

But GT calmed me - GT is a movie. Am I being crazy for changing all the names? LOL. I mean 'Gulliver's Travels'. What a good movie. It has something to tell us that "War isn't a solution" and I absolutely agree with that! So peace to the world! *sorry for the broken-grammar*

I'm a movie-holic~~~~
And oh, Happy New Year's Eve!
Good-bye 2010, Hello 2011~